Is it Cheaper to Remodel or Build a New House?
For folks with homes in need of significant renovations, they may be curious about whether it is cheaper to remodel or to build a new house completely? In most cases, it is far more cost-effective to remodel the existing home rather than building a new house. Of course, there are rare instances where the condition of the house is such that complete demolition is necessary. For example, significant fire damage, extreme flooding, or other disastrous circumstances may warrant a total re-build rather than attempting to salvage the house.
Remodel Costs Vary
So much depends on which parts of the home need to be remodeled. For instance, are you looking to renovate only the kitchen? Perhaps you are in need of bathroom upgrades or bedroom overhauls–maybe all of the above. Let’s look at each remodel project one by one and return to the big question of whether you want to remodel or build a new house.
Kitchen Remodel Cost
Kitchen remodels range from about $13,000 to $37,000 with an average cost of about $24,000. That being said, very low-cost kitchen remodels can be about $4000 and very high-cost kitchen remodels can run upwards of $60,000. Even with a single remodel consideration, numerous factors need to be considered to establish an accurate cost estimate. The materials needed and the extensiveness of the remodel itself will change the cost associated with a kitchen remodel. More inspiration can be found here
Bathroom Remodel Cost
Bathroom remodels range from about $2,500 to $25,000 with an average cost of about $10,000. A more common average cost range for bathrooms is typically about 4,500 to $9,000. Since there are so many factors that go into a bathroom remodel it is not possible to pin down an exact cost without consulting with a contracting professional with specific information regarding your home and your goals. Still, these general cost ranges can help you begin to formulate a plan!
Getting an Accurate, Reliable Cost Estimate
Thus, for a more precise price estimate, you will want to take the step of reaching out to a contractor for an estimate based on your needs. At Pro Remodeling serving Tucson and the surrounding Southern Arizona communities, we always offer free estimates for all remodeling projects. So just give us a call for your appraisal and you can move forward on the planning process move up are.
Advantages of a remodel over building a new home
While it may be tempting to build a whole new house, there are numerous advantages to remodeling the one you currently reside in. For instance, the cost is likely to be significantly cheaper to remodel. This is especially true if you only need remodeling in a few parts of the home like the kitchen or bathrooms–the most common remodel locations. Additionally, it is an advantage to add your own personal touch to what you currently have. Remodels are great because you can keep what you like while improving what needs work.
Tucson’s Trusted Home Contractors
There are so many factors to consider when you are ready for a remodel or a home build. Ultimately, this decision depends on what is best for your unique situation. Whatever you end up deciding, it is essential that you consider your own finances and you consult with trusted professionals to make a decision you can stand by. This is why we encourage you to contact Pro Remodeling today to speak with one of our experts in home remodeling. At Pro, we’re in the business of turning houses into homes.